bikini ready

Are You 'Bikini Ready'?

And what does that even mean?

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Raise your hand if you've ever had any of these thoughts: 

"I love that bikini, but I could never wear it." 

"I wish I could find a bikini I feel confident in." 

"What a great bikini...But it's not for me." 

"I could never pull that off." 

We are here to remind you that the only requirements for a 'bikini body' is having a bikini and a body. And we are here to help with that. 

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Because we know that you can have the cutest swimsuit in the world, but if you aren't comfortable, you won't be confident. Which is why we focus on creating custom swimwear for your body. 

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As always, as you go through the process on you can also reach out to us if you have questions; and leave any further customizations in the 'notes' section when you check out. 


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